Our Medicons, visual prescription stickers, can really help when you have a lot of medication to take. Helping when it sometimes becomes confusing especially if you occasionally experience memory loss.
As you will know, missing doses of medication, taking it at the wrong time, or even taking more than you should, can all have serious consequences. But that’s where our Medicons, visual prescription stickers can really help you – brilliantly designed and created by a community pharmacist, taking your medication has never been so easy.
Simply select the relevant stickers for each of your medications and stick them on the box, so that you can easily remember how they should be taken without having to struggle with the small print.
To see exactly how to get the best out of Medicons, click here.

So, what stickers are included with Medicons?
Administration stickers – these stickers will show you exactly how many times they should be taken and how they should be taken:
- Number of times per day (1,2,3 or 4)
- Whether it should be taken before food, with food, or after food
- How it should be administered (by mouth, nose, eye, ear or injection)
Type and dose stickers – whether they are tablets, capsules, liquid or drops, you can keep tabs of exactly how many of each you should be taking:
- Tablets (x1, x2, x3, x4)
- Capsules (x1, x2, x3, x4)
- Liquid (x1, x2, x3, x4)
- Drops (x1, x2, x3, x4)

Body Map stickers – these are especially good for remembering where creams or ointments should be applied, as you can mark on the stickers where they need to go:
- Entire body (front and back)
- Head (left side and right side)
- Hands (left hand, right hand, left palm, right palm)
- Feet (left foot, right foot, left sole, right sole)
- Eyes
- Ears
- Easily peelable
- Can be placed on any medicine pack, bottle and tubes of cream or ointment
- Simplifying medication administration
- 10 sheets included in each pack (4 x warning sheets, 2 x bodymaps, 2 x dose sheets, 2 x administration sheets)
- Easy instructions for use included